Watching the discussions for the past few weeks it seems this is a difficult thing to solve. I would put forward this proposal in trying to reach a middle ground.
First and foremost I think a gesture of good will would go an extremely long way in bringing disenfranchised people into the fold, and a stronger community is one that will have more longevity and sticking power. We can point to this and say we got you we are doing our best, while trying to be focused on the main goal.
My idea for this is to allow 1/3 unvSYN to begin a vesting schedule. (Input from team if this is reasonable). Here are some numbers regarding what this will look like.
Uncle Bill said 70mil so this is based on that.
24 mil SYN starting at contract deployment.
Over 6 months ———> 922k per week
Over 1 year. ———> 461.5k per week
Over 2 years ———> 230k per week
The other 54m ideally should be put to work to offset any future costs of vesting it (or put it towards the current offset). We have SSS, and DPOS in the future. The intention here is to ideally vest everything at some point. Though I would say everything is on the table.
To be decided here is,
46 mil SYN
Staking ASAP.
Wait for DPOS.
Leave it in limbo The carrot is good for now.
This is a rough draft so please treat it as such. The second half is my biggest question.
Other considerations is allowing people to vest early with huge haircuts.